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Cards, whatever their type, are like a magic key that opens the door to exploring the unconscious, archetypes, understanding oneself and coping better with life. Each card carries its unique meaning and symbolism, which can be interpreted in different ways and which gives us insight into different aspects of life. They are like small windows into our soul. They help us to discover our hidden thoughts, feelings and desires. They can help us expand our awareness, find inspiration, go deep inside and understand the world in a new and interesting way. Everyone can learn to read the cards and develop a personal relationship with them. You can too, if you so wish.
To je žepna, kompaktna in prenosna različica kart in priročnika za tarot, avtorice Kim Krans, ki je bila uspešnica v New York Times časopisu. Žepni...
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Vsebina škatle: 78 barvnih kart + knjiga s 224. stranmi. Karte, ki jih je ustvarila Kim Krans, osvetljujejo razodetno moč arhetipov - starodavnih,...
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Karte The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit , avtorice Kim Krans , upodabljajo 63 bitij iz zemeljskega in mističnega sveta . Priročnik z več kot 200. stranmi...
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