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Cards, whatever their type, are like a magic key that opens the door to exploring the unconscious, archetypes, understanding oneself and coping better with life. Each card carries its unique meaning and symbolism, which can be interpreted in different ways and which gives us insight into different aspects of life. They are like small windows into our soul. They help us to discover our hidden thoughts, feelings and desires. They can help us expand our awareness, find inspiration, go deep inside and understand the world in a new and interesting way. Everyone can learn to read the cards and develop a personal relationship with them. You can too, if you so wish.
Manifesting with the moon has never been easier! The Moonology - Manifestation oracle cards are designed to help you use the lunar cycle and moon phases to...
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Karte Angel Inspiration Deck so močno orodje za povezovanje s sporočili in vodstvom angelskega kraljestva. Ta čudoviti komplet kart je ustvarila Kim...
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Karte The Wildwood tarot so ustvarjene po navdihu iz predkeltske mitologije in šamanskih skrivnosti. Tarot nas popelje v čarobno zgodbo divjega gozda in...
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Mošnjiček za shranjevanje kart iz um. žameta. Dimenzije: 20 x 20 cm
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Jaymi Elford, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
V središču kart Triple Goddess tarot je boginja, katere božanska narava izraža ženskost v poganski duhovnosti. Simbol je luna v različnih fazah -...
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Srednjeveške orakeljske karte Rozeta sestavlja 44 kart in priložena knjižica z navodili za uporabo. Orakeljske karte lahko uporabljate tako za prerokovanje...
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Elementarna bitja, keltski bogovi in boginje so tiste energije, ki delujejo skozi ta komplet kart. Njihova sporočila so včasih tako subtilna - kot šepet, ki...
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Mistični pesnik Rumi govori sveti jezik, ki ga lahko razumemo s srcem in ne z umom. Rumi ve, da je v srcu prehod v božansko združitev in ne želi, da...
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Tarot za ljubitelje starodavnih keltskih skrivnosti. Karte so brez robov, njihove podobe pa močno in ekspresivno umetniško delo Christine Scagliotti....
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The "Svetlobne mandale" are divination cards set with booklet in slovenian language . Light Mandalas serve as potent companions in everyday decisions...
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Discover the wisdom and guidance of the animal world with the unique Animal Guides Tarot card deck from Hay House. This beautiful deck, crafted with love...
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