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Health and alternative methods of treatment

3,50  1,50 
Constipation , along with Diabetes and Blood Pressure, has come to be regarded as a natural outcome of modern civilization. There is virtually no one in...
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5,00  1,50 
Relfexology is one of the most accessible forms of alternative therapy. Countless thousands of people all over the world have discovered how effectively...
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3,00  2,50 
This book is a very informative and an instructive work that eases the difficult task of Understanding the tumors of breasts in order to treat them...
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5,00  2,50 
The book will serve as a quick reference for the physician to cross check before arriving at the final remedy. It will help him in eliminating similar...
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Priročnik je dragocena pomoč vsem, ki trpijo zaradi vremensko pogojenih težav. Iz njega se lahko poučite o tem, kako lahko podnebje, vreme in dražljaji iz...
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13,49  3,00 
V knjigi je opisano soočenje Jullie Freideberger z rakom na prsih. V knjigi opisuje kako ji je vadba in filozofija joge pomagala na tej poti preobrazbe....
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7,00  3,00 
A brief materia medica on mental diseases. The book discusses the special needs of a mental hospital. It was written in 1901.
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4,00  3,00 
It is a very useful book contaning the symptoms, causes and treatment of common diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, swine and dogs.
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7,40  3,00 
Možete živeti pun i aktivan život čak i ako imate astmu. Trik je naučiti kako da ostanete slobodni od uzročnika astme. Prepoznavajući i izbegavajući...
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7,40  3,50 
Prihvatanje reume nije isto što i pristajanje na bol! Većina pacijenata artritisa veruje da ne postoji ništa što mogu da učine sa bolom koji prati bolest....
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8,00  3,50 
Dijagnoza i prevencija, lekovi, samokontrola.Visok krvni pritisak ili hipertenzija je bolest sa kojom se lako možemo izboriti, ali ako smo neoprezni može...
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9,00  3,50 
This is very useful book for homoepaths because children form a majority of their patients. The book is short, sweet and helps the paractitioner to...
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