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White sage

White Sage: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

White sage, scientifically known as Salvia apiana, is a sacred herb used for cleansing negative energies. Originating from North America, it has long been an important part of traditional rituals of Native American peoples. It is considered one of the most effective smudging plants for cleansing spaces and bodies, and is a key component in many spiritual practices.

White sage is recognizable by its white grayish-green elongated leaves and strong, aromatic scent. During flowering, it develops beautiful white flowers.

It is most commonly used as dried twigs in the form of smudge sticks. Its smoke cleanses spaces of negative energies, promotes clarity of thought, and creates a sacred atmosphere. It is used before meditation, during rituals, for cleansing energy in spaces, for personal energy cleansing, and as protection against negative energies. It is also valued in aromatherapy, as it has a calming effect and helps with relaxation and soothing.

White sage represents a beautiful bridge between ancient tradition and wisdom and modern times, where the need for peace, harmony, and protection remains as relevant as ever.

How to Use White Sage

Choose the object or person you want to cleanse (room, entire home, car, object, person).
Choose a fireproof base on which to place the smudge stick. Make sure there's a container with water or sand nearby where you can extinguish the smoldering stick if necessary or after use.
Before beginning the cleansing, open windows so the smoke can disperse throughout the space and drive out negative energies.

Light the tip of the smudge stick with a match and wait a few seconds for it to catch fire well. Wave it through the air to extinguish the flame and start smoking.
Hold the smoldering stick over the smudging bowl and slowly walk through the space you want to cleanse. For better smoking, wave it in circular motions through the air or use a feather until it smokes well again. Focus especially on corners and places where you spend the most time. Let the smoke disperse throughout the space. For cleansing a person, the procedure is similar, just circle the smoke around the person. You can also use a feather to direct the smoke.
During cleansing, you can express your intention, for example: "I am cleansing this space of negative energies and inviting positive energies into it."
When you're finished, you can extinguish the smudge stick in several ways (it's not necessary to use the entire stick). The easiest way is with water, but only the smoldering part. Then place the stick in a fireproof container where it will dry for next time. You can also extinguish it in sand. Never leave a smoldering stick unattended. Store the smudge stick in a dry place.

Additional tips:
After finishing the cleansing, you can thank the sage for its help.
If you want a more intense effect, you can also use a crystal or bell during cleansing.
For optimal results, we recommend regular cleansing, for example once a month, before important events, or as needed.