The secret Language of Light cards

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The set contains: 45 cards and a booklet with instructions (164 pages) in English.

The impulse to create and activate peace, love and fulfillment is present in you. This wonderful oracle works with the mysteries of light to illuminate the infinite possibilities and potential within you. Light is a constant guide and support, its language inspires, empowers and activates the spark of your soul.

Step into the wonder of light through the inspiring insight of Denise Jarvie and the stunning art of Daniel B. Holeman, and rekindle the love, vision, and power of your heart. The wisdom of these beautiful cards can be accessed through specially designed meditations, reflections and exercises for divination, contemplation or revelation. The language of light speaks of eternity, of life and of you. Tune in to its secrets and shine!

"The Secret Language of Light (Transmissions from your Soul)" or Secret Language lightis a deck of cards created by Denise Jarvie, an Australian artist and author of spirituality and personal development.

Each of her cards features a beautiful and detailed illustration with symbolism and geometric pattern. They are created using different techniques such as watercolor and digital art.

Each card represents a different aspect of your inner world and helps you connect with your soul. Working with cards stimulates your intuition and helps you discover your deeper feelings and thoughts. With their positive affirmations, the cards help you focus on the positive aspects of your life.

These cards are ideal for anyone who wants to explore their inner world and connect with their soul. They can be used as a tool for meditation, visualization or as an inspirational prompt in everyday life.