Odlično homeopatsko delo mednarodno priznanega medicinskega strokovnjaka (posebno akupunkture, neurofiziologije, akupunkturne anestezije) dr. Antona Jayasuriya, ki živi in dela na Sri Lanki. V 32-ih letih je v svoji klinki nudil brezplačno homeopatsko zdravljenje več kot milijon pacientom. Njegove bogate izkušnje predaja svojim kolegom in študentom preko knjig, seminarjev in rednih mesečnih tečajev. Ta knjiga je eden izmed načinov s katerimi želi pomagati, da se dragoceno znanje in izkušnje homeopatije širijo med vse, ki jih zanima ta edinstveni sistem zdravljenja.
Vsebina (v angleškem jeziku):
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- The History
- The Organon
- The Medical Philosophy of Hahnemann
- Hahnemanns Impact on Western Medical Thought
- Principles of Homoeopathy
- The Concept of the Vital Force
- Homoeopathy Allopathic
- Case-taking and Clinical Examination
- Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Methods
- Methods of Administration of Remedies, Dosages and Potencies
- Homeopathy: Science or Dogma – A Critical Evaluation
- Theories of Homoeopathy
- Selection of Remedies
- Evaluation of Symptoms and Repertorising
- Clinical Features Characteristic Symptoms
- Remedies and Their Abbreviations
- Kents Repertory
- Placebos in Therapeutics
- Allergology and Isopathy
- Materia Medica of Common Homoeopathic Remedies
- The Five Common Nosodes
- Choice of Potency and Dosage
- Therapeutics
- The Bach Flower Remedies
- The 12 Tissue Remedies (Bio-chemic Remedies)
- Prognosis
- Homoeopathy – A Futuristic Medicine
- Glossary of Common Terms
- Integrated Medicine
- Modern Homoeopathy
- Keynotes of Disorders (A Concise Repertory)
- Sri Lanka Parliamentary Act on Homeopathy & Past Question Papers
- Short Comings
- Some Significant Events in the Life of Samuel Hahnemann
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