Japanese incense sticks Morning star Vanilla

Morning star
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Japanese incense sticks Morning Star Vanilla

Morning Star incense sticks were created in 1960 in Japan, and for several decades they have been the most popular Japanese incense sticks in the West. In this fragrant line, you can explore scents from traditional sandalwood to herbal lavender, exotic lotus or patchouli, luxurious gardenia, delicate rose...
Due to the wonderful fragrances and high-quality ingredients from flower essences and fragrant wood, Morning Star incenses in addition to its popularity, it has become a trusted brand worldwide.
Morning Star scented sticks are the right choice when we want to create a relaxed atmosphere for meditation, prayer, yoga or a pleasant atmosphere in our home.
Because Morning Star scented sticks do not have a wooden core in the middle, they do not emit the smell of wood when burning, but you can enjoy the true essence of incense.

Smell Warm and sweet.
Purpose Pleasant mood.
Content 50 sticks + small ceramic base
Burning time about 25 minutes
Length of the stick 12 cm
Packaging Paper box.
Storage Always store incense sticks in a dark, dry place at room temperature.
Origin Vietnam
Irena TM
To so bile prve japonske dišeče palčke, ki smo jih začeli uporabljati doma. Bili smo resnično presenečeni nad prefinjenostjo vonja, ki je lahek, prijeten, nevsiljiv (za razliko od marsikaterih "težkih" dišav). Vanilija je res nevtralen vonj, za vsak dan in vse priložnosti. Z njo smo začeli in nas je opogumila, da smo začeli raziskovati še druge vonje. Po nekaj letih uporabe, imamo družinski člani, svoje palete vonjev s katerimi smo zelo zadovoljni in jih priporočamo.