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Cards, whatever their type, are like a magic key that opens the door to exploring the unconscious, archetypes, understanding oneself and coping better with life. Each card carries its unique meaning and symbolism, which can be interpreted in different ways and which gives us insight into different aspects of life. They are like small windows into our soul. They help us to discover our hidden thoughts, feelings and desires. They can help us expand our awareness, find inspiration, go deep inside and understand the world in a new and interesting way. Everyone can learn to read the cards and develop a personal relationship with them. You can too, if you so wish.
Komplet knjige s kartami "Kako vedežujemo iz ciganskih kart", priznane avtorice Tea Pelicon, vam omogoča globlje razumevanje in uporabo vedeževanja. Preprosti in nazorni opisi simbolov na kartah vam pomagajo pri interpretaciji in odkrivanju skritih sporočil. Knjiga in karte vam bodo pomagale pri samospoznavanju ter prinašajo novo perspektivo in razumevanje vašega življenja.
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Osho , 78 kart + knjiga priročnik
Osho Zen tarot karte so kot odsev sodobne družbe in duha našega časa. Njihov pristop ni tradicionalen, saj so karte namenjene sproščanju miselnih blokad...
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Arthur Edward Waite, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Tarot karte Rider Waite so ene najbolj priljubljenih in priznanih tarot kart na svetu. Že več kot stoletje so priljubljen pripomoček za vedeževanje in osebno...
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Komplet vsebuje: 45 kart in knjižico z navodili (164. strani) The impulse to create and energise peace, love and fulfilment is alive within you. This...
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Doreen Virtue, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Pozitivne, ljubeče in nežne karte Angelski tarot Doreen Virtue in Radley Valentine sta oblikovala prvi komplet tarot kart, ki je popolnoma varen...
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16,90  9,90 
S kompletom preroških kart Čarobni samorogi lahko prejmete sporočila in vodstvo, torej vse, kar se nanaša na vaše sedanje življenje, vašo prihodnost in na...
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Pietro Alligo, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
These cards are a unique set of 78 cards that combine elements of Egyptian mythology and history as well as traditional tarot symbols. They are illustrated...
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19,90  9,90 
Preroške karte Čarobne morske deklice in delfini vma bodo pomagale izraziti vaše cilje, življenjski smisel in božansko navdihujoče sanje. Teh 44 čudovito...
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78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Komplet vsebuje: 78 kart + knjižica z navodili v angkeškem jeziku (Stuart R. Kaplan) Radiant Rider-Waite® Tarot je eden izmed najbolj prepoznavnih...
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24,90  14,90 
Predstavljajte si, da se sprehajate po temnem gozdu in da mesečina z nestvarnim sijem obliva pot pred vami. To je čas srečanja z lastno intuicijo, čas...
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78 cards + instruction booklet
Znižana cena zaradi rahle poškodbe pokrova pločevinke. Komplet kart v pločevniki vsebuje: 78 kart + knjižica z navodili Vsebina: 78 kart. Velikost...
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31,00  30,30 
78 kart + knjižica z navodili
The Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot is a new version of one of the most popular tarots in the world. It is characterized by the original drawings created by Pamela...
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Stare ohranjene preroške karte Kipper žarijo v novem mističnem sijaju! Te karte, nastale leta 1900, zaradi mnogih oseb, ki so upodobljene na njih, sodijo...
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Ciganske čarovniške igralne karte za vedeževanje Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards deck provides an easy-to-learn method of divination. Each Gypsy...
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Komplet vsebuje: 44 kart in knjižico z 204 stranmi. An Invitation into the Heart of the Divine Rumi speaks a sacred language that we understand withour...
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Tarot Spiritsong je spoj dveh tradicij divinacije: v prvi so živali vodniki med našim in duhovnim svetom, druga tradicija pa uporablja 78 kart kot orodje za...
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"Celtic Tree Oracle" is based on ancient Celtic wisdom, which revered trees as living, spiritual beings – keepers of sacred knowledge that can help us...
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Tarot lahko opišemo kot božjo slikanico, lahko ga primerjamo z nebeško partijo šaha, kjer barve kart premikamo po šahovnici štirih elementov." - Frieda...
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Lorenzo Tesio, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Tarot cards (78 cards) and a small manual in English, Italian, French and German. It was created by Lorenzo Tesio and illustrated by Stefano Palumbo. The...
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Kopmlet vsebuje: 78 kart + knjiga (264 barvnih strani) Black cats, pointed hats, and magic brooms, too! Favorable Fortunes for Curious Witches A...
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Orakeljske karte Shamanic Medicine oracle Vsebina: 50 kart in knjižica z navodili Embalaža: škatlica iz kartona Velikost kart: 9,5 x 14 cm. Izdelane...
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Komplet kart vsebuje: 78 kart + knjižica z navodili v angleškem jeziku. Velikost kart: 6.9 x 12 cm Material: plastificiran papir. Izdelano v Italiji. 100%...
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V Veliki knjigi o Angelskem tarotu avtorja uspešnic Doreen Virtue in Radleigh Valentine poglabljata vsebino njunega inovativnega kompleta...
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Komplet vsebuje: 78 kart +  knjižica z navodili v angleškem jeziku.   Velikost kart: 7,3 x 12,3 cm Plastificirane papirnate karte Narejeno v Belgiji...
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Nurturance, Empowerment & Inspiration for the Feminine Soul The sacred feminine is the universal feminine power expressed through the heart of Mother...
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Komplet vsebuje: 40 kart in knjižico z razlago na 100. straneh "TeenAngel Oracle Cards" are designed for teenagers and young adults. Filled with vibrant...
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The "Whispers of Healing Oracle" is here to help you nourish, strengthen and restore yourself to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. Whether you...
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Komplet orakeljskih kart vsebuje: 44 kart + knjižica vodnik The most enchanting of mystical creatures, unicorns are a symbol of miracles, purity andmagic....
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Komplet vsebuje: 78 kart + knjižica z navodili (88 strani) Paying homage to the mystical energy of crows and ravens, Crow Tarot invites us to fly through...
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Vsebina kompleta:81 kart + knjiga s 308. stranmi A Tarot for a New Era The philosophy of the 'Dreams of Gaia Tarot' is simple: to seek, to feel, to...
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Bill F. Greer in Lloyd Morgan, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Morgan-Greer Tarot karte nam razkrivajo bogat in globok svet mistike in modrosti. Vsaka karta nosi svojo edinstveno energijo in sporočilo, ki se zliva skozi...
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Arthur. E. Waite, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili na 98. straneh
Popular Tarot Cards by Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. This edition consists of 78 cards + a 98-page instruction booklet written by Rachel Pollack...
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Enter the world of the green witch, where vivid imagery helps you align with the elements, natural energies, and the old religion. Presenting witchcraft...
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Komplet vsebuje: 25 cards  in knjižica s 160 ilustriranimi stranmi. The runic alphabet was created two thousand years ago by the Germanic peoples of...
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Lucy Cavendish, 45 kart in knjižica z navodili
Ti uroki so očarljive, ljubeče vaje, svete molitve za vodstvo, podporo in prebujanje notranjih magičnih moči. Z njimi lahko zaživimo bolj avtentično,...
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Vsebina kompleta: 50 kart + knjižica z navodili v angl. jeziku Velikost kartonske škatlice: cca 9.5 x 14 cm Lord Ganesha, the renowned elephant-headed...
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In Victorian England, and in other cultures, flowers were used to convey specific meanings and messages, especially in the coy rituals of courtship....
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Pravljice nas že stoletja učijo brezčasnih življenjskih lekcij. Umetnica Lisa Hunt nas s svojimi očarljivimi ilustracijami ponese v magični svet kmetov in...
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Komplet vsebuje: 78 kart + knjižico z navodili (60 strani) COVR Award Winner for Best Tarot Deck of 2015 Chrysalis Tarot was selected...
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Barbara Moore, 78 kart + knjiga priročnik
Barbara Moore predstavlja prvega od dveh izjemnih tarot setov, ki skupaj sestavljata popolno delo imenovano Book of Shadows: "As above, So below". Prvi...
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Komplet vsebuje: 45 kart + ilustrirana navodila (188 strani) This 45-card deck, with colorful artwork by Will Worthington, provides additional tree, animal...
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In these beautifully illustrated cards, the cats journey through the tarot and share their unique secrets with us. Cats "cute, mysterious, playful, or...
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Peter Alligo , 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Nefertari's Tarot - the magic and charm of ancient Egypt in 78 cards, hot printed in gold. The light of Egypt, the mysterious queen whose...
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Narava nas nenehno vabi, da preživljamo čas v njenem objemu - z žvrgolenjem ptic, žuborenjem potočkov, z omamnim vonjem cvetlic in s šepetom dreves, ko...
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Published by Lo Scarabeo in April 2019, The Healing Light Lenormand is a re-interpretation of the 19th century fortune telling cards traditionally...
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Komplet vsebuje 78 kart, 6.50 x 11.80 cm. Instructions. Multilingual edition.
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'Whispers of Love Oracle Cards' were created to help you find methods and messages for building stronger, more loving relationships whilst also to remind you...
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Komplet 64 kart + knjižica z navodili v angleškem jeziku Po Knjigi sprememb ali premen se lahko vsaka karta spremeni v naslednjo, Ying preide v Yang in Yang...
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