
Bill F. Greer in Lloyd Morgan, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Morgan-Greer Tarot cards reveal to us a rich and deep world of mysticism and wisdom. Each card carries its own unique energy and message, which flows...
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The set contains: 40 cards and a 100-page explanatory booklet TeenAngel Oracle Cards are created for teenagers and young adults. The cards are brightly...
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Deluxe set contents: 81 cards + book with 308. pages Tarot for the New Age Philosophy The 'Dreams of Gaia Tarot' card is simple: seek, feel, grow...
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The set of oracle cards contains: 44 cards + booklet guide (English language) The unicorn, as one of the most mystical creatures, is a symbol of wonder,...
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Set contains: 78 cards + instruction booklet (88 pages) Paying homage to the mystical energy of crows and ravens, the Crow Tarot invites us to fly...
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Arthur. E. Waite, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili na 98. straneh
Popular Tarot Cards by Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. This edition consists of 78 cards + a 98-page instruction booklet written by Rachel Pollack...
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9,90  5,50 
Mnogobarvne rozete so lepota srednjeveških cerkva. Z uporabo preprostih materialov lahko posnemamo to umetnost in ustvarjamo podobne kroge, ki jih lahko...
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Set contents: 78 cards + 264-page book Enter the world of the Green Witch, where vivid images will help you align with the natural elements, forces of...
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The set contains: 25 cards + a booklet with 160 illustrated pages. Dimensions of the cards: 9 x 14 cm The runic script is about 2000 years old, and it was...
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22,00  7,00 
Odkrijte čudoviti svet angelov, ki ga na tem DVD-ju odkrivata avtorja. Ljudje, ki so imeli izkušjo z angelom, umetniki in pisatelji, navdihnjeni od angelov,...
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10,00  8,76 
A concise introduction to Rudolf Steiner's ideas on the development and education of children with special needs. Steiner's insights have led to the...
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12,00  5,20 
The Periya Puranam is a classical Tamil scripture that describes the lives of 63 Saivite saints. Down through the centuries it has had immense influence...
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5,50  2,50 
To je knjiga o indijski sveti reki Gangi. Indijci ne obožujejo Gange zgolj zaradi življenjskih in ekonomskih koristi, ampak zato, ker že samo ime, Ganga, v...
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Contents of the set: 50 cards + booklet with instructions in English. tongue Size of the cardboard box: approx. 12.5 x 17 cm Lord Ganesha, the renowned...
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5,00  2,00 
Indijski zdravnik in jogi Swami Sivananda verjame, da so otroci temelj vsakeg naroda in da ni nikoli prezgodaj za vzgojo posameznika. Meni, da je vzgoja...
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Peter Alligo , 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Nefertari Tarot - the magic and charm of ancient Egypt in 78 cards, hot printed in gold. Light of Egypt, the mysterious queen whose beauty shines through...
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Lucy Cavendish, 45 kart in knjižica z navodili
These spells are enchanting, loving exercises, sacred prayers for guidance, support and awakening of inner magical powers. With them, we can live a more...
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19,97  5,55 
Knjiga vsebuje serijo sporočil, ki so jih prejeli od kitov in delfinov. Knjiga razlaga zakaj so tu na Zemlji, kako delujejo in kako človek moti njihovo...
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In Victorian England and other cultures, each flower had a specific meaning and was used to convey certain messages, especially in courtship rituals. Set...
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8,00  3,00 
Mnogi poznajo eno najslavnejših in svetih knjig - Bhagavad Gito v kateri je glavna tema dialog Gospoda Krišne in njegovega učenca ter prijatelja Arjune. Ta...
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Fairytales have been teaching us timeless life lessons for centuries. Artist Lisa Hunt takes us to a magical world of peasants and princesses, dragons and...
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Set contains: 78 cards + booklet with instructions (60 pages) Awards: COVR Award Winner for Best Tarot Deck of 2015 Tarot Deck of the...
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Barbara Moore, 78 kart + knjiga priročnik
Barbara Moore presents the first of two exceptional tarot sets that together make up a complete work called Book of Shadows: "As above, So below". The...
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21,70  11,32 
Odlično homeopatsko delo mednarodno priznanega medicinskega strokovnjaka (posebno akupunkture, neurofiziologije, akupunkturne anestezije) dr. Antona...
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