White Sage smudge stick 10 cm

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10 cm
White Sage Incense (Salvia Apiana) in a bundle

Bundle length: approximately 10 cm
White sage has been harvested with care for the environment.
Each bundle is handcrafted.

About White Sage (Salvia Apiana)

White sage is an evergreen shrub that grows along the California coastal mountain range and in Mexico. It is one of the most potent smudging herbs with a rich aroma and strong smoke.


Its smoke has a powerful cleansing effect. The ritual of burning incense has been present in all cultures since the existence of humanity. Through the ritual of burning white sage and other incenses, we purify the mind, body, and spirit. With the help of white sage smoke, focus, and prayer, we can cleanse negative energy (objects, individuals, animals, etc.). Incenses cleanse, balance, and open the path for fresh energy and forces to freely flow, enabling us to move forward. By using incenses, we cleanse energies. The more we "smudge," the clearer our life becomes, and the easier it is to move forward. It is essential to take care of purifying ourselves and our environment. From ancient cultures comes the belief that in a space where sage is used, negative forces cannot enter. To smudge means to purify with the smoke of sacred plants. We can purify the body, spirit, animals, home, office, healing room, or any space or object in the world.


The lighting and use of white sage incense are simple, but it is important to do it safely and with a respectful attitude. Here are a few steps you can follow:
  • Prepare yourself: Ensure proper ventilation in the room where you will be using the incense. Dress comfortably, calm yourself, and focus on your intention.

  • Prepare the incense: If you are using just the leaves, remove the top layers of dried white sage leaves and place them in an incense vessel. You can use a shell or any other heat-resistant container for this purpose. If you are using a bundle, prepare it accordingly.

  • Light the incense: Use a match to light one end of the bundle or the leaves of white sage. Wait a few seconds for the flame to extinguish and the incense to start emitting smoke.

  • Fan the smoke: Gently blow on the smoldering sage to encourage more smoke. If it stops smoking, repeat the process.

  • Cleansing the space: As the incense begins to smoke, hold it over the incense vessel and slowly walk through the space you want to cleanse. If needed, blow into the incense, wave it through the air, or use a feather until it smokes well again. During the ritual, you can recite your prayer. The process for cleansing a person is similar, but you move the smoke around the individual.

  • After use: Wait for the incense to completely extinguish. If you won't finish using the incense bundle, extinguish it under water and let it dry for future use. For safety, do not leave smoldering incense unattended. Clean the incense vessel and store the incense in a dry place.

Use of White Sage Incense in Native American Cultures

In addition to cedar and tobacco, white sage is one of the most important sacred plants among Native Americans of North America. They use it as incense in spiritual and healing rituals. It is believed that white sage cleanses negative energy, helps ward off evil spirits, and brings positive energy.

Sage requires sufficient airflow for smudging. Native Americans use special bird feathers for this purpose. The smoke represents prayers that ascend to the cosmos. In Native American ceremonies, they turn to the energies of the four directions (north, south, east, west) or the four strong animal spirits (white buffalo, coyote, eagle, and grizzly bear), which are also connected to the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air.

North - the spirit of the white buffalo: grounds, protects, imparts knowledge of life and death. Rules over the element of earth.

South - the spirit of the coyote: represents a sharp and quick mind and rules over emotions and the element of water.

East - the spirit of the eagle: represents inspiration, foresight, protection, cleansing, and rules over the element of air.

West - the spirit of the grizzly bear: represents energy, strength, determination, cleansing. Rules over the element of fire.
