Karte Egyptian tarot

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78 kart + knjižica z navodili
6,6 x 12 cm
Silvana Alasia
These cards are a unique set of 78 cards that combine elements of Egyptian mythology and history as well as traditional tarot symbols. They are illustrated in tempera style on papyrus. The inspiration was the tarot, designed by the famous occultist Jean-Baptiste Pitois in 1870.

The Egyptian Tarot cards are divided into two arcana - the major arcana and the minor arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that represent archetypal images and guide the reader on a journey through life's challenges and spiritual growth. Each card has a unique symbolic meaning that can only be interpreted by the individual who uses it.

The minor arcana consists of 56 cards, which are divided into four groups of elements: chalices for water, wands for fire, swords for air and coins for earth. Each group has 14 cards that represent different situations and challenges in everyday life. The cards in the minor arcana are so elaborately illustrated and contain Egyptian symbols and archetypal images to help understand their meaning.

The Egyptian Tarot cards are fully illustrated with beautiful images depicting gods, goddesses, pharaohs, sphinxes, pyramids and other symbols of Egyptian mythology. Each card also has a hieroglyphic symbol that can be used to understand the symbolic meaning of the card.

The Egyptian Tarot cards are an excellent tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. It can be used for a traditional tarot reading or as a meditation tool to help us understand the inner process and challenge. These cards are suitable for anyone interested in Egyptian culture and symbolism and those looking for a tool to explore their own spirituality and development.

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