Rose quartz pendant, silver - Joy to life

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Semi-precious stone cherub or rose quartz on a silver pendant

Polished stone size: approx. 2.0 - 2.5 cm
Total length of pendant: approx. 2.5 - 3.0 cm
Inner diameter of the silver pendant: approx. 4.5 mm
The pendant is made of 925 rhodium-plated silver, so it does not tarnish and is more resistant.

The pendant is attached to a cardboard card with the name of the stone in three languages ​​(German, English, French).

Stone Rose quartz
Color Soft pink
Geological and mineral
Rose quartz is a microcrystalline form of quartz, consisting of tiny crystals that are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its characteristic pink color is due to the presence of manganese ions in the quartz structure. Rose quartz is often translucent, but it can also be transparent or opaque.
Rose quartz has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, which means that it is a relatively hard stone.
Rose quartz consists of silicon dioxide (SiO2) with small impurities manganese.
Properties Rose quartz is known as the stone of universal love and the most important stone of the heart center. It awakens trust and harmony in relationships and unconditional love. Cleanses and opens the heart chakra. Dispel the negativity. It soothes the emotions, eases grief and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It helps to forgive oneself. Build self-confidence and a sense of worth.
Keywords Joy for life - Unconditional love - Kindness - Openness of heart - Friendship - Caring - Romantic love - Tenderness - Emotional stability - Inner peace - Acceptance - Empathy - Self-love - Motherly love - Creativity
Chakras Heart - Anahata
Element Earth, Water
Planet Venus
Astrological Signs Taurus, Libra
Cleaning the stone Read about different ways of cleaning stones on our blog entry and choose the method that suits you best.

Photo is symbolic. The stones are natural, so each one is a slightly different shade, pattern, shape and size.

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