
Arthur Edward Waite, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
The Rider Waite tarot cards are one of the most popular and recognized tarot cards in the world. They have been a popular tool for divination and personal...
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The set contains: 45 cards and a booklet with instructions (164 pages) in English. The impulse to create and activate peace, love and fulfillment is present...
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Pietro Alligo, 78 cards + handbook with instructions
Egyptian Tarot These cards are a unique set of 78 cards that combine elements of Egyptian mythology and history as well as traditional tarot symbols. They...
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78 cards + booklet with instructions
Set contains: 78 cards + booklet with instructions in English (Stuart R. Kaplan) Radiant Rider-Waite® Tarot is one of the most recognizable decks of...
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31,00  30,30 
78 cards + booklet with instructions
Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot is a new version of one of the most popular tarots in the world. It is characterized by the original drawings created by Pamela...
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78 cards + instruction booklet
The brilliantly colored tarot cards that have been popular for decades are now also available in a charming tin storage box. Radiant Rider-Waite is an...
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Gypsy Witch Playing Cards for Divination with short manual. You can quickly learn divination with the help of gypsy playing cards. Each card is equipped...
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25,00  20,00 
Vzgoja in skrb za autističnega otroka, zahtevata večjo pozornost in veliko mero odgovornosti. Avtorja nam predstavita, njune praktične izkušnje s...
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The set contains: 25 cards and a booklet with 116 pages "Celtic Tree Oracle" is based on ancient Celtic wisdom, which revered trees as living, spiritual...
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12,62  5,00 
Slavna indijska kuharica je izdala knjigo s katero bo načtovanje vegetarijanskih obrokov enostavno in kuhanje v velik užitek. Knjiga vsebuje šest receptov za...
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The set contains: 44 cards and a booklet with 204 pages. The mystical poet Rumi speaks a sacred language that can be understood with the heart and not...
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The Spiritsong Tarot is a fusion of two divination traditions: in the first, animals are guides between us and the spirit world, and the second tradition...
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Lorenzo Tesio, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Tarot cards (78 cards) and a small manual in English, Italian, French and German. It was created by Lorenzo Tesio and illustrated by Stefano Palumbo. The...
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27,00  3,50 
Ta knjiga je biografski zapis Učitelja Paramhans Swami Omkaranande, ki je bil neposreden ter eden najbližjih učencev Swamija Shivanande iz Rishikesha. Od...
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The set contains: 78 cards + an illustrated book with instructions and explanations (264 color pages) Also black cats, pointy hats and flying brooms!...
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The iconic illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith have been exquisitely re-envisioned by the artist Mary Hanson-Roberts. The intrinsic meanings and opulent...
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Oracle cards Shamanic Medicine oracle Contents: 50 cards and instruction booklet Packaging: cardboard box Card size: 9.5 x 14 cm. They are made of...
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16,27  8,00 
Od Znanosti do Boga je zgodba raziskovanja zavesti, s čimer se Peter Russel ukvarja vse svoje življenje. Prepletajoč fiziko, psihologijo in filozofijo nas...
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16,00  12,80 
V tej knjigi so opisane aktivnosti, ki jih lahko izvajajo, v zimskem času, otroci in starši. This book is packed full of fun nature activities that will...
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Set contains: 78 cards + booklet with instructions in English. Size of cards : 7.3 x 12.3 cm Plasticized paper cards Made in Belgium 100% original...
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The "Whispers of Healing Oracle" cards are here to help nurture, strengthen and restore your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Whether it's a...
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14,00  11,20 
Children watch TV and use computers for five hours daily on average. But electronic media demands conflict with the needs of children. The result? Record...
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12,50  10,00 
Every parent knows the sound of a baby who won't settle down to sleep. Crying and restlessness, especially in young babies, can be both distressing and...
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Nurture, support and inspiration for the feminine soul Sacred Feminine is the universal female power that expresses itself through the heart of Mother...
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Bill F. Greer in Lloyd Morgan, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Morgan-Greer Tarot cards reveal to us a rich and deep world of mysticism and wisdom. Each card carries its own unique energy and message, which flows...
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The set contains: 40 cards and a 100-page explanatory booklet TeenAngel Oracle Cards are created for teenagers and young adults. The cards are brightly...
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Deluxe set contents: 81 cards + book with 308. pages Tarot for the New Age Philosophy The 'Dreams of Gaia Tarot' card is simple: seek, feel, grow...
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The set of oracle cards contains: 44 cards + booklet guide (English language) The unicorn, as one of the most mystical creatures, is a symbol of wonder,...
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Set contains: 78 cards + instruction booklet (88 pages) Paying homage to the mystical energy of crows and ravens, the Crow Tarot invites us to fly...
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Arthur. E. Waite, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili na 98. straneh
Popular Tarot Cards by Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. This edition consists of 78 cards + a 98-page instruction booklet written by Rachel Pollack...
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9,90  5,50 
Mnogobarvne rozete so lepota srednjeveških cerkva. Z uporabo preprostih materialov lahko posnemamo to umetnost in ustvarjamo podobne kroge, ki jih lahko...
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Set contents: 78 cards + 264-page book Enter the world of the Green Witch, where vivid images will help you align with the natural elements, forces of...
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The set contains: 25 cards + a booklet with 160 illustrated pages. Dimensions of the cards: 9 x 14 cm The runic script is about 2000 years old, and it was...
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22,00  7,00 
Odkrijte čudoviti svet angelov, ki ga na tem DVD-ju odkrivata avtorja. Ljudje, ki so imeli izkušjo z angelom, umetniki in pisatelji, navdihnjeni od angelov,...
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10,00  8,76 
A concise introduction to Rudolf Steiner's ideas on the development and education of children with special needs. Steiner's insights have led to the...
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12,00  5,20 
The Periya Puranam is a classical Tamil scripture that describes the lives of 63 Saivite saints. Down through the centuries it has had immense influence...
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Contents of the set: 50 cards + booklet with instructions in English. tongue Size of the cardboard box: approx. 12.5 x 17 cm Lord Ganesha, the renowned...
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5,50  2,50 
To je knjiga o indijski sveti reki Gangi. Indijci ne obožujejo Gange zgolj zaradi življenjskih in ekonomskih koristi, ampak zato, ker že samo ime, Ganga, v...
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Peter Alligo , 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Nefertari Tarot - the magic and charm of ancient Egypt in 78 cards, hot printed in gold. Light of Egypt, the mysterious queen whose beauty shines through...
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5,00  2,00 
Indijski zdravnik in jogi Swami Sivananda verjame, da so otroci temelj vsakeg naroda in da ni nikoli prezgodaj za vzgojo posameznika. Meni, da je vzgoja...
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Lucy Cavendish, 45 kart in knjižica z navodili
These spells are enchanting, loving exercises, sacred prayers for guidance, support and awakening of inner magical powers. With them, we can live a more...
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In Victorian England and other cultures, each flower had a specific meaning and was used to convey certain messages, especially in courtship rituals. Set...
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19,97  5,55 
Knjiga vsebuje serijo sporočil, ki so jih prejeli od kitov in delfinov. Knjiga razlaga zakaj so tu na Zemlji, kako delujejo in kako človek moti njihovo...
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8,00  3,00 
Mnogi poznajo eno najslavnejših in svetih knjig - Bhagavad Gito v kateri je glavna tema dialog Gospoda Krišne in njegovega učenca ter prijatelja Arjune. Ta...
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Fairytales have been teaching us timeless life lessons for centuries. Artist Lisa Hunt takes us to a magical world of peasants and princesses, dragons and...
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Set contains: 78 cards + booklet with instructions (60 pages) Awards: COVR Award Winner for Best Tarot Deck of 2015 Tarot Deck of the...
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Barbara Moore, 78 kart + knjiga priročnik
Barbara Moore presents the first of two exceptional tarot sets that together make up a complete work called Book of Shadows: "As above, So below". The...
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21,70  11,32 
Odlično homeopatsko delo mednarodno priznanega medicinskega strokovnjaka (posebno akupunkture, neurofiziologije, akupunkturne anestezije) dr. Antona...
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Set contains: 45 cards + illustrated instructions (188 pages) Set of 45 cards (colorful artwork by Will Worthington) includes additional cards of trees,...
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Nature constantly invites us to spend time in its embrace - with the chirping of birds, the gurgling of streams, the intoxicating scent of flowers and the...
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Set of 64 cards + English instruction booklet Each card contains a hexagram with the same symbols as in the I Ching book. According to the Book of Changes or...
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'Whispers of Love Oracle Cards' were created to help you find methods and messages for building stronger, more loving relationships while also reminding you...
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The set contains: 36 cards + booklet with instructions in English card size: 8.8 x 12.5 cm Plasticized paper Cards are made in Italy In...
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The deluxe set of Mudras for awakening the energy body cards contains 40 colored cards representing the seven chakras and thirty-three mudras, which are...
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Barbara Moore, 78 kart + knjižica z navodili
Ancient wisdom and magic are reflected through the silvery moonlight of these cards. Each of the cards is a combination of the rich tradition of the...
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Pamela Colman Smith’s beloved tarot artwork, created in 1909 under the direction of Arthur E. Waite, is now presented in a borderless format for a more...
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8,00  3,00 
Vprašanje o življenju po smrti je od vekomaj eno najbolj zanimivih in privlačnih za razmišljujočega človeka. Knjiga zelo podrobno odgovarja na to vprašanje....
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13,92  3,50 
V svojem delu poskuša vnuk Mahatme Gandhija, Rajmohan Gandhi, ki je priznan biograf in učenjak, doumeti enega največjih državnih voditeljev 20.stoletja -...
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The Apocalypse Tarot is a set of multicultural cards created using a combination of photography, digital art and collage. They are extremely colorful and...
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set contains: 46 cards + booklet with explanation Once upon meeting, we greeted each other with the sacred words 'blessed be' and at the same time wished...
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Contents: 44 cards in a cardboard box Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit blessing and greeting. Meaning: I worship the spirit that is in you and also in...
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Cards Messages of Life are like a magical door to a world of color, light and hope. Each card is decorated with an artistic illustration that...
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Barbara Moore, 78 kart + knjiga priročnik
Barbara Moore presents the second of two exceptional tarot sets that together form a complete work called the Book of Shadows: "As above, So below". The...
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78 cards + instruction booklet The Cosmic Tarot is a work of art created with pen and ink and colored with muted pastel colors. The images are attractive...
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Set contains: 78 cards + booklet with instructions Instructions are in the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and German Tarot for...
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Set contents: 52 cards + book with 24 pages. These cards bring inspiring bright messages that help illuminate the mundane things in life with fresh,...
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The set contains: 44 cards + booklet with affirmations (28 pages) With their attractive watercolor images and affirmations, the cards invite you to explore...
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The iconic illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith have been exquisitely re-envisioned by the artist Mary Hanson-Roberts. The intrinsic meanings and opulent...
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12,30  9,84 
This is the moving story of a young girl battling leukemia who realizes she is going to die. She receives hope and comfort through nightly conversations with...
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24,70  14,00 
In modern medicine, for all its brilliant achievements and progress, there is little concept of 'healing'. As human beings have become more separated from...
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Contents: 81 cards + instruction booklet Tarot for the new age The philosophy of the 'Dreams of Gaia Tarot' is simple: seek, feel, grow and heal....
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The Crystal Wisdom set consists of mini inspiration cards that capture the beauty and wisdom of our Earth's crystals, as written by the leading Australian...
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Card set contains: 78 cards + instruction booklet (in English). Card size: 6.9 x 12.7 cm Material: laminated paper. Made in China. 100% authentic , an...
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7,00  3,00 
A brief materia medica on mental diseases. The book discusses the special needs of a mental hospital. It was written in 1901.
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The fantasy art of Anne Stokes features stricking designs and lifelike portrayals of fantasy subjects. Her art covers a broad range of themes, from the...
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Each card presents a picture of a woman on a journey and an optimistic, encouraging message. They were created especially for the fast pace of everyday life...
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You have holiness within you. Trust in this light and in your courage. The light is strong enough to guide, support and empower you to fulfill your higher...
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78 cards and handbook
From the same author who created Mucha Tarot, this exquisite version of Pamela Colman Smith's renowned deck is presented in impeccable Art Nouveau style and...
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9,00  3,50 
This is very useful book for homoepaths because children form a majority of their patients. The book is short, sweet and helps the paractitioner to...
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The life-work of the student of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica is one of constant comparison and differentiation. He must compare the pathogenesis of a...
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The Thoth Tarot was created by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) and the cards were painted by Lady Frieda Harris (1877-1962), who interpreted Aleister's ideas...
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Sacred Geometry Activation Oracle Cards The set includes: 44 cards and a 160-page guidebook. Harmonize your awareness with sacred geometry and enter the...
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The set contains: 78 cards + a booklet with instructions in English. Card size: 6.6 x 12 cm Laminated cards. The inspiration for this wonderful tarot was...
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The set of tarot cards contains 78 colored cards and a booklet with instructions. The cards were created based on the inspiration of classical Greek and...
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Cards that follow ancient teachings are intended for modern shamans who want to re-establish a more authentic contact with themselves and the spirit of the...
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9,00  3,50 
This book is a dialogue between a holy man and his disciple. The disciple asks questions that possibly mirror universal anxieties like, why must good and...
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Ukiyoe Tarot will delight fans of Japanese art, as it is created in the ukiyo-e artistic style. Ukiyo-e Style Marseille Tarot Symbolism! This style...
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3,50  1,50 
Constipation , along with Diabetes and Blood Pressure, has come to be regarded as a natural outcome of modern civilization. There is virtually no one in...
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18,00  3,50 
With the blessing of LORD SHIVA the embodiment of OM, the root of existing and non-existing, I am presenting this humble book with the sole motive of...
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49,00  15,00 
Anandamayi was a simple country girl from a remote village on the easternmost border of India who became a personality of the highest spiritual distinction....
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13,00  3,50 
Nutrition is a lifelong concern, threatened by the breathless haste with which today's urban go-getters pulse towards greater ambition and prosperity. The...
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19,00  5,00 
A hand holding guide to India, covering over 210 exciting tourist destinations along with maps and multi-coloured photographs. Accommodation guide of major...
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Contents: oracle cards + booklet with instructions in English (112 pages) A practical way to connect the wisdom, love and magic of dragons.
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13,35  2,00 
The Ancient traditions of human kind foretell a final revelation a God Man promised for the late time who will fulfill the deepest longing of the human...
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The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit cards by Kim Krans depict 63 creatures from the earthly and mystical worlds . Handbook with over 200 .pages allows easy...
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9,90  5,50 
This book describes a highly effective approach to stress management and personal development, and has been updated since the first printing. Using...
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